Pastor's Health Update

Wednesday, November 6th

Pastor Lasseter began his fifth round of chemo treatments today.  He will go on Thursday for the second half of the chemo.  On Friday he will receive the shot that is given for his white blood cells. 

Pastor Lasseter also received his results from his PET scan from last Friday.  If you remember, we were praying for at least a 75% reduction in the cancer masses.  Unfortunately, it did not quite make it there.  But we are not dismayed because our God knows what He is doing.  Let us remain faithful in our prayers for Pastor and Mrs. Lasseter.  Also, in the most recent PET scan, they did find another small spot on his chest.  They are planning to do a biopsy in the coming weeks.  Our prayer is that the spot is just inflamed and not cancerous.  We want to continue to pray for God to continue to get glory.  Let not our hearts be troubled, FOR WE DO BELIEVE IN GOD.

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